Super-Heavy Tank T28

United States of America (1943-1947) Superheavy Assault Tank – 2 Prototypes Built Few prototype armored fighting vehicles are as recognizable as the American Super-Heavy Tank T28. This unique vehicle was first conceptualized in August 1943 to assault and destroy heavy defenses, but the T28 project’s low priority and various manufacturing difficulties meant that the first…

Barnes Two-Man Heavy Tank

United States of America (1938) Heavy Tank – None Built Lt. Colonel Gladeon M. Barnes from the US Army’s Ordnance Department casts a long shadow over tank development in the USA in the period around the start of WW2. Barnes was an interesting man, but some of his ideas and designs were demonstrative of a…

Heavy Tank T29

United States of America (1944-1948) Heavy Tank – 10 Built The U.S. Army did not prioritize addressing the need for heavily armored tanks until very late in World War II, when the losses of Allied armor were increasing due to enemy anti–tank guns. The M4A3E2, a makeshift assault tank developed from the M4A3 Sherman, was…

Heavy Tank T26E5

United States of America (1945) Assault Tank – 27 Prototypes Built The T26E5 was an assault tank based on the M26 Pershing heavy tank. It was developed from the same premise as the M4A3E2 Assault Tank, that of increasing the armor of the current existing tank with a purpose to break through the enemy defense…

Heavy Tank M6A2E1

United States of America (1944-1945) Heavy Tank – 2 Built Following the Allied invasion of Northern Europe in 1944, the US Department of Ordnance, believing that they would encounter heavily fortified areas such as the Siegfried Line further in northwestern Europe, decided there would be a need for a limited number of tanks with heavier…

Heavy/Assault Tank T14

United States of America/United Kingdom (1942) Experimental Heavy/Assault Tank – 2 Built At the meeting of the Joint British Tank Mission and United States Tank Committee in early 1942, the question of designing a medium heavy tank or assault tank was discussed. It was stated that the US had no requirement for such a vehicle,…