The Morgårdshammar Tank Program

Kingdom of Sweden (1927-1930) Tank – None Built With roots going back to 1610, Morgårdshammars Mekaniska Verkstad AB (Morgårdshammar’s Mechanical Works Joint-stock company) was officially created in 1856. It was established as a foundry near the settlement Morgårdshammar in Bergslagen, Sweden, a region with a long history of mining and metal industry. After various developments…

Landsverk Armored Motorcycles

Kingdom of Sweden (1930) Armored Motorcycle – 3-4 Built Motorcycles found a wide range of applications within military organizations during the first half of the 20th century. Armored motorcycles weren’t unheard of in these times and a number of nations delved into this concept. Some vehicles of this type even saw service during the First…