Škoda Š-I-d (T-32)

Czechoslovakia/Kingdom of Yugoslavia (1936) Tankette – 8 Purchased In an effort to equip its cavalry divisions with armored vehicles, the Yugoslav Royal Army began a series of negotiations with several European nations. While for a variety of reasons almost all would end up unrealized, one would, to some extent, be successful. After a number of…

Škoda MU-2

 Czechoslovakia (1930-1931) Tankette – 1 Prototype Built During the late 1920s, the tankette, technically a small armored and tracked machine gun carrier, grabbed the interest of Czechoslovak military officials. At the time, it was mostly a British development, with the commercial market dominated by the tankettes produced by Carden-Loyd. From there, the concept spread internationally…

Carden-Loyd Mk.VI in Czechoslovak Service and CL-P

 Czechoslovakia (1930) Tankette – 3 Purchased, 4 Built The Carden-Loyd Mk.VI tankette, built by the British Vickers company starting from 1928, has been one of the most influential designs from the interwar period. Advertised as a cheap alternative for the tank, it was widely exported to many countries, including Czechoslovakia. It was meant to be…

Tančík vz.33 (P-I)

Czechoslovakia (1933-1945) Tankette – 74 Built The Tančík vzor 33 (Tankette pattern 1933), also known as the P-I, was a Czechoslovak tankette that started life as a license-produced copy of the Carden-Loyd Mk.VI. Due to the British vehicle’s bad performance, the Tančík vz.33 ended up as an improved version. Despite this, it was still not up…