
Socialist Republic of Romania (1979-1984) Medium Artillery Tractor – At Least 1 Prototype Built The TMA-79 (Tractor Mijlociu de Artilerie Eng: Medium Artillery Tractor) was an attempt by Romania to replace older Soviet artillery tractors and offer a domestically-produced alternative to the newly acquired ATS-59 and ATS-59G Soviet tractors. On paper, the vehicle would prove…

TAA – Tun Antitanc Autopropulsat

Socialist Republic of Romania (Circa 1984) Self-Propelled Anti-Tank Gun – Concept Only Starting in the 1950’s, the Republica Populară Română (English: ‘Romanian People’s Republic’) tried to lessen the mighty Soviet economic and cultural grip as a response to Nikita Khrushchev’s de-Stalinization campaign. After Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej, leader of the Romanian People’s Republic from 1947 to 1965,…