Stridsvagn 2000 T140/40

Kingdom of Sweden (1984) Main Battle Tank – 1 Wooden Mock-up Built Sweden’s MBT that never was The Strv 2000 project was intended to fulfill Sweden’s need for a modern main battle tank (MBT). In 1984 the Swedish government began to look into replacing the Strv 103 and Strv 104 tanks it had in service….

UDES 15/16

Kingdom of Sweden (1970) Light Tank – 1 Wooden Mock-up Built Origins of UDES In the 1970s, the Swedish government began working on a project to find suitable replacements for their armored vehicles and to develop new technology for armored vehicles. The project was called “Underlagsgrupp Direkt Eld Stridsfordon” or UDES, which can translate to…

7.5 cm PaK 40 auf Raupenschlepper Ost (RSO)

German Reich (1943) Tank Destroyer – Estimated 80-90 Built From Hauler to Fighter As the German army faced ever increasing numbers of Allied armour, more ways were found to place anti-tank weaponry on already existing chassis, in order to try and counter the Allied numerical superiority. The Raupenschlepper Ost (RSO) was no exception to the armed conversions…